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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Spam is canned meat.

ImStillMags wrote:
>This forum is just chock full of spam, but not the edible kind.

I don't see much Spam at RFC... actually Spam is rarely seen at RFC.
Mostly I see Trolls/Socks and just plain old off topic Douchebags who
claim to cook but actually don't/can't.
You do know what Spammers do... they try to sell stuff... not many of
those at RFC. I'd much rather see the Spammers than the off topic
Trolls, Socks, and Douchebags who don't/can't cook.
BTW, I post about the edible kind of SPAM often... just today I took
inventory, I have 19 cans of SPAM in my larder. SPAM is one of my
favorite goes with eggs ingredients, but I still haven't found a good
recipe for SPAM soup... tried it with ramen but doesn't work. There
are a lot of SPAM soups on line but none I think are good. The best
soup I've decovered for using SPAM is pea soup.