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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Hot in the city? No.

"Cheryl" > wrote in message
> On 7/22/2016 11:42 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> Apparently Washington state is the only state that escaped the high heat
>> today. Except perhaps for downtown Bothell where sadly, much of it was
>> lost in the wee hours to fire. The owner of a fairly new restaurant that
>> serves food and sells board games said that he reported something around
>> 2:30 a.m. They are open until midnight and he was closing up to go home.
>> Said he smelled smoke but at first, nobody could find the source.
>> We still don't know the particulars except that it wiped out much for
>> about 5-7 blocks. Two restaurants, at least one bank, a small mall and
>> much damage to vegetation and cars. They melted. Luckily nobody was
>> hurt. All we know is that it started in a newly remodeled but not
>> finished apartment complex. They say it could take weeks to months to
>> find out the cause, if they ever do.
>> At any rate, tonight's dinner is hamburger gravy with celery, onion and
>> green pepper over mashed potatoes. It's not exactly chilly here but not
>> hot either and we are expected to have hot weather coming. So...
>> Tonight's the night for hot food. Got pasta salad and fruit salad for
>> later.

> We've had some dangerous and damaging weather here too. Saturday some
> damaging rain with lots of flooding came through, and one nearby city was
> flooded in a way I haven't seen here outside of hurricane remnants in a
> long time.
> Look at these "rapids" going down Main St Ellicott City MD
> (watch for one guy trying to
> stop his car, he doesn't die)

Wow. Just not good. It's getting dark here now and we're supposed to have a
thunder storm. I will believe it when I see it.