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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Default Breakfast 08/02/16 will be...

On Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 9:29:39 AM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
> >
> > Steak & eggs with a slice of buttered toast. I haven't figured out yet
> > whether or not I want to scramble the eggs with some grated cheddar or
> > cook the eggs over medium simply seasoned with S&P.
> >
> > Beverage: a tall glass of cold milk.
> >
> > No coffee. I'm not a teenager living in the Seattle area.

> Cheap shot. Must you always pick on her constantly? It does not portray
> you in such a good light.
> As far as the steak and eggs... That's another worthless meal combo to
> me, just like surf and turf. Why combine two delicious meals into one?
> I know both are popular and I've tried both. Bad combos, to me. And just
> to me too, since I'll get bitched at for stating my preferences here.
> sheez.
> G'day to all in RFC. :-D

I've never had steak and eggs, but it doesn't appeal, either. Steak OR
eggs, but not both. And not steak for breakfast.

Then again, I had some wisdom teeth out on Friday, and I haven't
had solid food since Thursday. I'm getting mighty tired of the taste
of those chocolate-flavored, meal-replacement shakes. Pretty soon
I'll be ramming a cucumber through a blender, just so I can taste
something that isn't cheap chocolate flavor.

Cindy Hamilton