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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Breakfast 08/02/16 will be...

> wrote in message
> On Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 11:18:41 AM UTC-5, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> I had some wisdom teeth out on Friday, and I haven't
>> had solid food since Thursday. I'm getting mighty tired of the taste
>> of those chocolate-flavored, meal-replacement shakes.
>> Cindy Hamilton

> You can't eat oatmeal, cream of wheat, or soft cooked scrambled
> eggs for a change? But I know what you mean about getting tired
> of liquids after dental surgery.

Angela couldn't eat anything at all after hers for quite a few days. She had
so much swelling that she simply could not open her mouth enough even to get
soft food in or do anything even slightly resembling chewing. Later, it was
discovered that she suffered nerve damage from the shots she was given.
Don't know if that played into this or not. Mostly her calories came from
milkshakes but she couldn't even finish a small one of those. I think it was
about two weeks before she could get to soft foods.

I guess I was lucky. I do remember swelling and soreness but I don't recall
any trouble eating beyond the first day.