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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Spam is canned meat.

"Cheri" wrote in message ...

"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 1 Aug 2016 22:58:08 -0700, "Cheri" >
> wrote:
>>"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
. ..
>>> Cheri wrote:
>>>>When I was in 6th grade, in Bowling Green, KY, my best friend, Molly
>>>>had a cold Spam sandwich with mayo on Wonder Bread every single day in
>>>>brown-bag lunch. I remember wondering how she could ever eat Spam "raw"
>>>>cold like that. LOL.
>>> I eat SPAM cold directly from the can but with mustard, never mayo.
>>> Don't knock your friend Molly, she likely grew up enjoying her pink
>>> meat with a creamy lusty swallow. hehe

>>I did not write that post, I have had many cold Spam sandwiches, though I
>>prefer Spam cooked in various ways.

> I also prefer SPAM cooked but I often have it cold as it comes from
> the can, makes great sandwiches. Sometimes I heat the whole thing
> with a brown sugar glaze in the microwave. I like it best cubed and
> fried with onions and eggs. i don't see anything bad about SPAM, in
> fact it's a very good product and at a reasonable price... I also like
> Boar's Head Spiced Ham which is similar but costs three times as much.
> Boar's Head products cost more than double up here in the sticks than
> they do in NYC... I suppose due to the cost of transportation, they
> insist on delivering with their custom refrigerated trucks, local and
> cross country:

I don't believe I've ever had anything called Boar's Head, maybe not so big
in CA, or maybe I just haven't seen it where I shop.

I bet I wouldn't find it in our shops either)
