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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Spam is canned meat.

On Tue, 2 Aug 2016 16:42:10 -0700, "Cheri" >

>"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Mon, 1 Aug 2016 22:58:08 -0700, "Cheri" >
>> wrote:
>>>"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
>>>> Cheri wrote:
>>>>>When I was in 6th grade, in Bowling Green, KY, my best friend, Molly
>>>>>had a cold Spam sandwich with mayo on Wonder Bread every single day in
>>>>>brown-bag lunch. I remember wondering how she could ever eat Spam "raw"
>>>>>cold like that. LOL.
>>>> I eat SPAM cold directly from the can but with mustard, never mayo.
>>>> Don't knock your friend Molly, she likely grew up enjoying her pink
>>>> meat with a creamy lusty swallow. hehe
>>>I did not write that post, I have had many cold Spam sandwiches, though I
>>>prefer Spam cooked in various ways.

>> I also prefer SPAM cooked but I often have it cold as it comes from
>> the can, makes great sandwiches. Sometimes I heat the whole thing
>> with a brown sugar glaze in the microwave. I like it best cubed and
>> fried with onions and eggs. i don't see anything bad about SPAM, in
>> fact it's a very good product and at a reasonable price... I also like
>> Boar's Head Spiced Ham which is similar but costs three times as much.
>> Boar's Head products cost more than double up here in the sticks than
>> they do in NYC... I suppose due to the cost of transportation, they
>> insist on delivering with their custom refrigerated trucks, local and
>> cross country:

>I don't believe I've ever had anything called Boar's Head, maybe not so big
>in CA, or maybe I just haven't seen it where I shop.

Boar's head products have been in CA for several years now. Not every
deli sells it as it's pricy so depends on the income level in the
area. Also Boar's Head checks that the deli is up to their standards.
A lot of delis here in NY don't sell Boar's Head, people in the area
won't pay the prices and/or the deli doesn't meet their standards.,,
some are awarded an Official Boar’s Head Deli of Distinction