Dinner Tonight 7/31/2016
On Wed, 03 Aug 2016 08:06:49 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>Nancy Young wrote:
>> Gary wrote:
>> > lol. We've all seen the size of his garden. I seriously doubt he had 100
>> > to give away. Not only that, he lives in farmville. Probably no golf
>> > course near him either.
>> Every year I plant ONE cucumber plant. I cannot eat all the cukes
>> I get and I could give away a couple dozen without a thought.
>I actually looked up cucumbers this morning. From what I read one plant
>generally yields about 15 cucumbers? I don't doubt you got more
>though...many different conditions change things.
15 sounds about right. Although I don't think I got that many last
summer, but then I did plant them a bit late. How good is fresh picked
cucumber in a salad...
>For a couple of summers, I grew tomato plants. It was either 6 or 8
>plants. Regardless, once they started ripening on the vine, for about 3
>weeks I was picking approx. 14 tomatoes per day, every day. After the 3
>weeks, the harvest slowed down but I still got many more. Then at the
>end of season, I picked quite a few green ones (and we ate them like
>I do miss my vegetable garden. My back balcony gets way too hot to grow
>much even in pots.
I'm looking forward to spring this year, I've done a lot of soil
preparation in the past 18 months and now the soil is incredible...
the garden bed is weed free and mulched, ready to go. I plan to grow a
lot of pumpkins and cucumbers this year and less tomatoes. Lots of
peas and beans this time too.
Currently there is only kale, spinach, rainbow chard, garlic, broad
beans and green manure crop in the garden as we are still in winter