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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Gin of the month

On 2016-08-04, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

> The good news: I like them both
> The bad news: They are nearly identical in taste. I can't tell them apart.

Anthony Dias Blue was a judge fer the SF Spirits Competition. I'll
never foret when he was on the radio talking about his recent judging
of the World's best vodkas. He sed something to the effect, hard to
judge high end vodkas. How does one judge a spirit with absolutely
zero flavor? I find this to be the case with many "high-end"
spirits. Gin is no different.

I stopped at Junipero Serra Gin (Anchor Distillary), which was then
about $45 bottle. Smooth? Sure, but it had exactly zero flavor.
Might as well been Grey Goose vodka.
