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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Fruit snack! Cherries and a peach!

On 2016-08-04 10:03 AM, Gary wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:

> My gramma used to spend a month or two full time home-canning all kinds
> of food to last the large family for an entire year. She never added or
> needed to add preservatives or anything else. It was only sterilized
> jars with cooked whatever food....nothing else ever added and all was
> fine.

When I was a kid in the 50s it was common for people to can their own
fruit and vegetables. Most houses had a cold cellar lined with shelves
of canned fruit and veggies. That slowed down a lot when we got a
freezer. Instead of all that boiling and canning on hot summer days , my
mother just put fruit into freezer bags with a little sugar and put them
in the deep freeze. Beans were blanched and frozen.