On Thu, 4 Aug 2016 21:35:33 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>On 8/4/2016 9:13 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>>>>> At $70, that's double the price though:
>>>>>> https://www.danmurphys.com.au/produc...ck-s-gin-700ml
>>>>> Holy crap! It is half that here in US dollars. I can get a 1.75 liter
>>>>> for $50.
>>>>> I see Tanqueray 10 is very high too. Not cheap to be a drinker there.
>>>> I know. I should have stayed in the Netherlands from that perspective.
>>> http://www.crownwineandspirits.com/c...ace-gin-1-75l/
>> That's incredibly cheap. I don't know what's wrong with Australia. Nanny
>> state and not enough competition, I guess.
>Must be. You are able to ship wine to the US at reasonable prices.
>Yellow Tail sells here for $7 to $9 a bottle.
Yes, exports is why.
'excise duty' (which is insanely complicated) plus GST of 10%. We have
the 2nd or 3rd highest prices in the world for alcohol... because
we're also the second biggest consumers of alcohol. Ching ching for