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Nadegda Nadegda is offline
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Posts: 10
Default WHY HILLARY IS A LYING SAC O' SHIT: Reason number 245,875

On Thu, 04 Aug 2016 09:53:54 -0700, Colonel Edmund J. Burke wrote:

> On 8/4/2016 9:33 AM, Bill Jillians wrote:
>> In message >, Colonel Edmund J. Burke
>> > writes
>>> Hillary said she plans to raise taxes on the Middle Class.
>>> Newsflash for Hillary "Carpet Muncher" Clinton: The middle class
>>> comprises less than 2% of America in 2016. This fact alone tells me
>>> you are fulla shit, ya dumb bitch.

>> Seems like rather a low figure Colonel.

> Indeed. The U.S. is experiencing the tribulations of the Roman Empire
> in its late phase of disillusionment and disorder, which brought about
> the Dark Ages.

Shit, kensi was right: a stopped clock *is* right occasionally.


The next phase will, obviously, be an event analogous to the dividing of
the empire into the relatively healthy Eastern Roman Empire and the
disintegrating Western Roman Empire. In the present paradigm of
international relationships, that will take the form of the world ceasing
to use USD as its primary reserve currency. The early movements in that
direction are happening. Want to know why Germany is rapidly installing
renewable energy? They mean to rely entirely on wind and Russian natural
gas soon, and wholly on renewables later on; as soon as they can get by
without oil, they no longer have any use for USD, whose use is forced by
the petro-dollar system. Once they are divested from oil they can divest
from the dollar, and the sinking United States will no longer be a boat-
anchor wrapped around their neck. Other nations are at various points
along similar trajectories, and still others are looking to break the
back of the petro-dollar arrangement itself and get Saudi Arabia to
accept other currencies.

Once the transition is well under way, the decline of the US (and Saudi
Arabia) will accelerate, while Europe and much of the rest of the world
will make like the Eastern Roman Empire and prosper for an additional
thousand years or what-have-you.

At that time, or in the event that Trump is elected, I intend to jump
ship myself. I wonder what Iceland's immigration policies are like? Jeg
snakker litt norsk. Хотя это и не так, как язык моих предков.