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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Hot in the city? No.

"Cheryl" > wrote in message
> On 7/26/2016 3:48 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> She'd get dressed, drive to work, only to have them tell her that she
>> wasn't needed that day. When she tried to call ahead of time to see if
>> she was needed, they told her that she wasn't allowed to call them. Or
>> on the few occasions that she did work, they'd tell her that she had to
>> stay late but wouldn't allow her to call and tell us this. This of
>> course left her dad and I wondering where she was. The only thing we
>> could do was drive there and see if her car was outside. He did call
>> once to see if she was still there and she got in trouble for him
>> calling.

> I'm sorry Julie but I find this very hard to believe. You might have
> answered it later because as you can tell I'm not replying to a current
> post because I've just been too busy. They wouldn't allow an 18 year old
> to call home to say she has to work late? No fk'n way is that happening
> anywhere.

She wasn't 18. She was 17. I don't want to list the restaurant here but it
has very bad online reviews and for the same reasons I gave. Nobody is
trained properly to make the food so they just guess at how to make it or
have to go by the customer's instructions.

But please don't tell me that would never happen. I wasn't supposed to use
the phone for personal reasons when I was working at K Mart. I did sneak and
use it on occasion but they later had the phone bugged and people were fired
for using it. They wouldn't let me call home either. Granted, I was 19. But
they also wouldn't let anyone call their husband or wife. We did have a pay
phone and we were allowed to use that on our break.

Angela got no break whatever on most days. Not that she worked very often.
She did not. Most of the time they just sent her back home. But on her
second night of work, they would not let her call us and we became worried.
My husband called there and asked if she was still at work. The manager said
that she was. The manager was also a 16 year old who is no longer there. The
whole thing was a joke.