Hot in the city? No.
"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> On 2016-08-05 8:56 AM, Sky wrote:
>> On 8/5/2016 4:53 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On Fri, 5 Aug 2016 00:26:00 -0400, Cheryl wrote:
>>>>> On 7/26/2016 3:48 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>> She'd get dressed, drive to work, only to have them tell her that she
>>>>>> wasn't needed that day. When she tried to call ahead of time to see
>>>>>> if
>>>>>> she was needed, they told her that she wasn't allowed to call them.
>>>>>> Or
>>>>>> on the few occasions that she did work, they'd tell her that she
>>>>>> had to
>>>>>> stay late but wouldn't allow her to call and tell us this. This of
>>>>>> course left her dad and I wondering where she was. The only thing we
>>>>>> could do was drive there and see if her car was outside. He did call
>>>>>> once to see if she was still there and she got in trouble for him
>>>>>> calling.
>>>>> I'm sorry Julie but I find this very hard to believe.
>>>> I think everybody does. But it's not worth engaging her. Let her
>>>> have her fantasies. That's how businesses work on Planet Bove.
>>> How could that be a fantasy? I am thinking back to the job that I had in
>>> high school. It was for an inventory company. We never knew how long our
>>> shifts might be. Sometimes they were 12 hours if you counted travel
>>> time. We could never use the phone while working. Only after we were
>>> done, only if there was time and there usually wasn't and only if we
>>> found a pay phone. No cell phones in those days.
>> With nary a doubt, bove's spoiled daughter has her own cell/smart phone
>> and could have used it to "phone home". Heh, what teenager does not
>> have one these days?! Bove has been caught in another fallacy yet
>> again. Bove's job 40-years ago has no bearing whatsoever with today's
>> technology and cannot compare. Deee-bunked!
> There is a possibility that there is an element of truth to Bove's side of
> the story. I am thinking that the apple did not fall far from the tree
> and that the kid was lying to her about why she had to go out. She was
> telling her trusting mother that she was going to work and would then go
> out and party with her friends. She had a ready made excuse for not coming
> back with money.
No. She had to wear an ugly uniform and clunky shoes. No kid would dress up
like this just to return home mad as hell a half an hour later. The place
just wasn't run correctly and from what I can see online, it still isn't. At
least the owner's daughter is no longer making frantic posts online about
how they can't get anyone to work there. This is rather how they got Angela.
She went in there to buy something and they begged her to apply. She already
had two friends who had recently started working there. But in the end, none
of them got any hours outside of their first few weeks of work.