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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Roast Pressure Cooker Recipe

On 8/5/2016 6:18 PM, notbob wrote:
> On 2016-08-05, W > wrote:
>> The recipe stresses that the water must cover the
>> vegetable. There is no way that this much vegetable would be covered by
>> even eight cups of water. How are we supposed to deal with that?

> Ignore it.
> Most liquids ina pressure cooker never leave the cooker. In fact,
> waaaay too many meats have water added, so you actually end up with
> more liquid in the P/C than when you started. Fact!
> I make it a point to NOT put in as much water as recommended.
> Claiming water needs to cover the spuds is jes silly. I never cover
> any foods. That's pretty much the entire point of using a pressure
> cooker. I put in jes enough water to never completely evaprorate.
> Less water to leech out the meat juices. Yer basically "steaming" the
> food at a higher temp.
> nb

I recall what you went through figuring out how to cook a roast with
potatoes in a pressure cooker at XXXX thousand feet. I'm pretty sure
you've tinkered with a pressure cooker enough to explain how much
(little) liquid it needs to work. I have never used one. They flat out
scare me. Besides that, I don't see any reason to cook a roast fast in
