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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Roast Pressure Cooker Recipe

On Saturday, August 6, 2016 at 3:13:56 AM UTC-4, Ophelia wrote:
>> Yes! I always get terribly confused when someone calls a joint of meat a
>> 'roast'. When I saw the header I thought he meant a pressure fryer.

>Considering how many "roasts" in the U.S. are boneless, there doesn't
>seem much point to calling it a "joint".
>Apart from standing rib roast, I can't remember the last time I roasted
>beef with a bone in it. Perhaps never.
>In any event, the "roast" under discussion here is actually a braise
>at lightning-speed in a pressure cooker. Bit of a misnomer, but life
>is full of them.
>Cindy Hamilton

All the time here) I often have to wait for the conversation to expand so
I know what is meant) I am sure some might have similar problem with none

To me 'Roast' is a method of cooking.