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Jeßus[_56_] Jeßus[_56_] is offline
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Default Hot in the city? No.

On Sat, 6 Aug 2016 16:48:23 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>"Jeßus" > wrote in message
>> On Sat, 6 Aug 2016 05:39:54 -0400, jmcquown >
>> wrote:
>>>On 8/3/2016 3:43 PM, Je?us wrote:
>>>> I know it's a big upheaval, but why not move? The way you have
>>>> described where you live here makes it sounds like an awful place.
>>>Moving is not always an economical option.

>> If by that you mean it costs money, sure. I've done it many times
>> myself, the last time cost me about $18000, but that involved shipping
>> containers plus a car transported by truck, boat and then truck again.
>> I think just bringing Annie here cost about $1000. Anyway, as I said
>> before, it's just a matter of planning ahead.

>It would cost a hell of a lot more than that to move here. Houses in this
>area start at around $500,000.00 and you don't get much for that.

<rolls eyes> I was talking about *moving costs*. You surely must have
known that. And wouldn't moving and yet staying in the same area
defeat the hypothetical purpose we are discussing?

And $500,000.00 hey? U.S real estate is much, much cheaper than in
Australia and yet people here can move, why do you need to spend that
much on a house? Did you spend or have your current house valued at
$500,000.00? I call bullshit.

>Plus when
>we refinanced, we agreed not to sell the house for 5 years. Just not an
>option even if we wanted to. We can't afford to put this house up to code
>and the older houses aren't selling well here with all the new construction.
>Plus we have no money to buy anything else.

Fair enough, I hope in future you plan ahead a little better with
finance and choice of property.

>This is not even one of the worst areas. Marysville, Everett and even
>Arlington are getting bad. Crime and drugs are worse there than here. Bottom
>line, we own the house and are stuck here.

I'm sure there are worse areas, but there is nothing that could compel
me to stay in an area such as you have described on RFC over the