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Dave Bugg
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Default A visit with JD :-), and " 'Q-In observations

Our own JD stopped into to town and gave me a call. He'd been doing a quick
tour to get his motorcycle posture into shape, and happened to be in the
neighborhood. We meet at my bbq joint and had a great little chat. I took
him on a tour of the store for a look-see, with the promise that he was
going to be back for the " 'Q - In " on October 16.

I have managed to meet quite a few of you guys over the last few years. Now,
having met JD, the closer we get to the 'Q - In and grand-opening on October
16, the more excited I am to get as many of you together as possible. We've
got a great group of folks, and I hope many of us will be here.

Also, keep in mind that for those of you attending, you have a shot at
winning a brand-spankin' new WSM.