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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Hey, you sous vide experts here.

On Saturday, August 6, 2016 at 10:19:16 AM UTC-10, Ophelia wrote:
> "dsi1" wrote in message
> ...
> The beef won't be dried out because the idea is to bake the crust at high
> heat and not the beef. The idea behind cooking it with as little liquid as
> possible is to get a better crust. Well that's what I'm hoping for anyway..
> Well that certainly works for pork pies. As for using
> it with beef ... I would have thought it would be dry, but hey, give it a
> go and report back.
> Last night I had lemongrass chicken. It's made by marinating small pieces of
> chicken with Thai curry paste, a large amount of garlic, black pepper,
> shoyu, MSG, and cornstarch. This was fried at high heat in a good amount of
> oil. It takes about a minute to cook a small batch of chicken. Amazing! This
> dish is all about caramelizing and intensifying the flavor. I used chicken
> thighs but it would work well with chicken breast. My guess is that you
> could use practically any kind of nasty meat and it would come out tender
> and delicious. Brilliant!
> I am sure if I liked curry (anything) I would agree
> with you)
> --
> http;//

The lemongrass chicken doesn't taste like curry even though it uses the yellow curry paste. The paste mostly tastes like lemongrass and ginger with some chili hotness. Add a large amount of garlic and you got your lemongrass chicken right there. I forgot to add the fish sauce but next time I will. I'll also add some Mexican Tajin powder to kick up the citrus component. Lemongrass chicken is a fast, cheap, and intensely flavorful dish!