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Sky[_2_] Sky[_2_] is offline
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Default Hot in the city? No.

On 8/7/2016 8:46 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 8/7/2016 12:58 AM, Sky wrote:
>> Bove has now mentioned at least thrice that where angela
>> sporadically worked, its so-called "manager" is/was a 16-year old
>> kid. Something is especially wrong with this 'scenerio', and it
>> seems to be quite questionable? What company any where (in the USA)
>> would allow a non-adult (under 18!) to be responsible for the
>> entire place with no adult supervision!!?? Somehow, this seems to
>> be to be a matter of gross liability should something awful happen
>> (robbery, murder, theft, etc.) while this under-age "manager" was
>> in charge. Yet another 'story' from bove.

> Certainly sounds questionable, but I've seen similar situations in
> the past. State law now prevent it in many places.
>> If my child had ever been unable to contact me while at work
>> because calls were not allowed to phone home, I'd have a huge hissy
>> fit and politely confront the owner and/or adult management to let
>> them know of my extreme dissatisfaction and concerns

The above "IF" is the keyword!

> Now that is funny. Most everyone is telling Julie to stop hovering,
> let the kid fend for herself and the like. Isn't this doing exactly
> the opposite? As stated already, the "child" is an adult.

Big grin! My 'job' as a parent was to prepare my son as best as
possible to be self-sufficient. Very often when he was an elementary
school student and older, he used to whine, "I'm hungry . . ." between
meals. So, I'd tell him, "OK, so go make sandwich" (think PBJ) or get
some fresh fruit, which usually was on hand.

As is typical for children and young teenagers, he demurred because he
truly wasn't that hungry; he couldn't be bothered to make the effort. I
certainly was not at his beck and call, unless a particular situation
needed immediate attention, of course!

DS was a normal, healthy, very active child/teenager and far from obese,
as are shamefully too many children these days. Way too many parents
conveniently (cough-cough!) rely on fast food take-out instead of
cooking wholesome, non-processed foods at home! I'm very proud of my
DS; he's fulfilled his life-long passion from the age of five and worked
extremely hard to become an officer and aviator for a branch of the USA

Sky, who has no clue how to hover! ;D

Addendum: DS was told to go outside and play with the neighborhood
children but to stay in 'whistling' distance, which was about a two- or
three-block radius from home. No video games or such back then!

Kitchen Rule #1 - Use the timer!
Kitchen Rule #2 - Cook's choice!