"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Gary" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > Julie Bove wrote:
>> >>
>> >> "Gary" > wrote in message
>> >> ...
>> >> > Julie Bove wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> These are
>> >> >> people who don't live here that are coming into this area. Calling
>> >> >> the
>> >> >> police doesn't do any real good because it doesn't take long to buy
>> >> >> drugs
>> >> >> or
>> >> >> do drugs or whatever they're doing and the people are always long
>> >> >> gone
>> >> >> before the law arrives. I do have pics of the one car. It was black
>> >> >> then
>> >> >> gray now white. Same car. I am not seeing it as often.
>> >> >
>> >> > If you don't bother to call police, I highly suggest that you just
>> >> > ignore these people and certainly don't take pictures. No telling
>> >> > what
>> >> > might happen if you are caught taking pictures of them.
>> >>
>> >> I did call the police about the car that I suspect is being used by
>> >> dealers.
>> >> AFAIK, they did nothing. I also posted the pics on Facebook for all to
>> >> see.
>> >> I'm pretty sure they know.
>> >
>> > You posted those pics on Facebook as drug dealers and you don't know
>> > for
>> > sure if they are? It's only your guess what is going on? oh man. You're
>> > playing with fire. Someone is either going to kill you or sue you.
>> I did not refer to them as drug dealers. I referred to it as a suspicious
>> car and posted what we have seen. Two different drivers. And young women
>> coming back to the car. They were not in the car to begin with. Others
>> surmised that it might be prostitution. I really don't know. I'd just
>> like
>> them gone.
>> I thought they were gone as I hadn't heard or seen the car in some time.
>> I
>> can always tell when it is here when the one guy drives it. He totally
>> gives
>> me the creeps. And I don't know what causes this but it makes such a loud
>> booming sound that it shakes my house.
>> The other guy doesn't give me the creeps and the car doesn't do this when
>> he
>> is driving it.
>> And often, one guy will drive it and park it, but the other guy will
>> leave
>> with it.
>> It's a newer Mitsubishi Eclipse but all identifiable markings have been
>> removed. Was originally painted a dull, flat black. Windows are tinted
>> black.
>> I thought I saw it at the hospital when I had my surgery but the security
>> guard was on us like white on rice so I didn't feel comfortable taking a
>> pic
>> of it then. The person who drove me to the hospital kept switching
>> parking
>> spots so I'm sure the guard thought she was acting kind of hinky. I don't
>> blame him.
>> At some point, fairly recently, it reappeared but painted a dull, flat
>> gray.
>> Then more recently with white gloss paint.
>> Who buys a new, expensive car and has it painted so many times?
>> Especially
>> the weird, flat colors. And as I said before, there are no houses over
>> where
>> they are parking it. The either park right across from my house, or my
>> mailbox or occasionally further down the street but all entrances to the
>> park. They're not walking a dog in the park and sometimes the car will be
>> there for over an hour with the creepy guy sitting in it.
>> None of the neighbors know who these people are.
> Again Julie - you're playing with fire. Leave these people alone. If
> they are doing something illegal they might kill you if they see you
> taking pics and posting, etc.
I'll do what I want and what I feel is right.
> I know you stay up all night. Unless you want to take on a quest to rid
> your neighborhood of crime (dangerous to do), you keep your doors
> locked, shades closed, and just ignore what is going on across the
> street. Maybe request that police park there occasionally. Their
> occasional presence there might deter others from stopping there.
Yes, I do and the neighbors do. We can not request the police to do
anything. And they certainly don't have an extra person to park there. You
can live like a mole or an ostrich or whatever. I won't do that.
> One rule of longevity: Don't mess with strangers. You have no idea who
> you are messing with.
Or you can be a part of Neighborhood Watch.