Hot in the city? No.
"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> On 8/7/2016 12:58 AM, Sky wrote:
>> Bove has now mentioned at least thrice that where angela sporadically
>> worked, its so-called "manager" is/was a 16-year old kid. Something is
>> especially wrong with this 'scenerio', and it seems to be quite
>> questionable? What company any where (in the USA) would allow a
>> non-adult (under 18!) to be responsible for the entire place with no
>> adult supervision!!?? Somehow, this seems to be to be a matter of gross
>> liability should something awful happen (robbery, murder, theft, etc.)
>> while this under-age "manager" was in charge. Yet another 'story' from
>> bove.
> Certainly sounds questionable, but I've seen similar situations in the
> past. State law now prevent it in many places.
>> If my child had ever been unable to contact me while at work because
>> calls were not allowed to phone home, I'd have a huge hissy fit and
>> politely confront the owner and/or adult management to let them know of
>> my extreme dissatisfaction and concerns
> Now that is funny. Most everyone is telling Julie to stop hovering, let
> the kid fend for herself and the like. Isn't this doing exactly the
> opposite? As stated already, the "child" is an adult.
It is funny because if there is one thing I don't do, it's hover. If anyone
was the hoverer, it was her. For years, I felt like she was my shadow and
she still begs me to go places with her because she is terrified of things.
She is just now realizing that this isn't going to work for her. I did go to
the college for one thing that I felt I should not have but I also figured,
heck...they have AC and I can sit in there and read my book.
Oddly enough I wasn't able to read my book because the one guy in the office
began talking to me about cats and cooking. He was cracking me up. Both
people (Jebus is going to love this) were Asian. The guy was Chinese and the
woman was Japanese. Because this college has a sister college in Japan, they
have a high percentage of Japanese students. So most of the people who came
through the door for assistance were Asian.
Each time a person came through the door, the guy said, "Hey! Tofu!" and
smiled. I thought maybe it was some kind of Asian joke or something because
they always laughed. He said he couldn't tell what kind of Asian they were
and didn't know what language they spoke but they all knew tofu. So that
seemed to work very well for him.
He told me to come back the following day for orientation. Again, I didn't
feel like I should but he insisted that I come back. At first, I was the
only parent there. Then another guy and his dad came in late.
After that, Angela sort of said in a dejected fashion that perhaps it would
be best if I didn't come to any more school things. Heh. I think she had
really hoped to get a friend to come but then pretty much none of her
friends graduated and they'll be going back to finish high school while she
goes on. The one who did graduate is likely not to be able to go to college
at all or at least not right now. I won't get into that.
I was always a very independent person but she never was. This is hard for
me to fathom but it's just not in me to be like she is. For the longest time
I couldn't get her to even walk into a store and buy one thing by herself.
Luckily, we do know some store owners and they are/were small stores so we
started there. I did tell the owners ahead of time that she was terrified
but I was sending her in by herself. Always with a specific task in mind.
Like to buy me a present or a card for someone or some such thing. Granted
this was not recently. This went back to when she was like 8 years old. I
would wait in the car outside while she shopped. Not sure if that helped or
not. Didn't seem to.
She has gotten a lot better now but she still prefers friends to be with her
for certain things. Again, not something I really "get" because I am not
like that at all. But when I was growing up, I did have friends who were
like that. Always needing me or some other friend to be with them. I just
figure if I go by myself I can accomplish whatever it is a heck of a lot
faster by myself so I prefer to go alone. With some exceptions. If I need to
buy something for another person like clothing or food, then I do prefer
their input so I don't buy the wrong thing.