Gin of the month
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Ed Pawlowski
external usenet poster
Posts: 12,851
Gin of the month
On 8/7/2016 4:28 PM,
>> They are no different at Walmart than they are at any other big box, just
>> that people love to spotlight Walmart in a negative way...............
>> Cheri
> No suprises - they arrived here with their predator pricing and did
> away with three nice family businesses. Then OF COURSE their prices
> went up. I won't patronize them.
When they came here, they filled a void left when a local department
store closed a year earlier. The family businesses were gone 25 years
In your case, evidently the local consumers preferred Wal Mart over the
local stores. We also had a new K-mart that has been struggling for
many years. The locals prefer the Wal Mart.
When both were considering building, K and Wal had quite a legal battle
over location. K won and got the spot they preferred. You can't see
them from the road, only their sign. The location they did not want is
very visible and the highway exit is across the street from their
parking lot entrance. Pretty dumb of them, I think.
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Ed Pawlowski
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