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Default Gin of the month

On Sun, 7 Aug 2016 17:21:23 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2016-08-07 3:59 PM, graham wrote:
>> For me it's the Walmart corporate culture that I despise, not the
>> clientele.

> From what I see around here, there is a strange paradox. The people who
>shop at Walmart tend to be on the low end of the income scale, the
>people whose income is low because places like Walmart buy so much
>merchandise from overseas suppliers and the local manufacturing jobs
>have gone off shore. The people who eschew Walmart are more likely to
>be those who are more economically secure.

I had to go in once when they first came because my SILs medical
insurance insisted prescriptions had to be filled there. My daughter
gave me grief (probably rightly so) when at first I wouldn't agree to
pick up my grandsons medication there. So I swallowed hard and went
to pick it up.

While waiting I had a look around. I saw cheap goods, clothing with
miserable, cheap little hems etc and an HP laptop that looked good
until you saw it was a junk HD inside. I heartily disliked their
attitude (rather like Costco) of blatantly assuming you were there to