Boar's Head (WAS: Spam is canned meat.)
On 2016-08-08 12:58 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Monday, August 8, 2016 at 10:17:25 AM UTC-4, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> Gulls will come inland on their migations. I sometimes see gulls and
>> other birds that don't live here.
> I see ring-billed and herring gulls all of the time. Mostly in parking
> lots looking for garbage.
They are common around here. I am right between Lakes Erie and Ontario
so there is a good supply of them at each lake, but they come inland and
swarm famer's fields when they are plowing. There are often called shit
hawks or dump ducks. If you are trying to find a garbage dump it is
usually a good idea to look in the air and if there are a bunch of gulls
circling around there is a good chance it is the dump.