"l not -l" > wrote in message
> On 8-Aug-2016, wrote:
>> On 2016-08-08 8:07 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
>> As
>> >> I said before, it's always in context when the subject is cars. I
>> >> don't talk about driving to the grocery store in my Mercedes just so I
>> >> can name drop a brand, which is how most of the brand name droppers do
>> >> it here.
>> >
>> > What you're referring to as name dropping is all small potatoes.
>> > Coffee makers, really? Pots? People mention them in discussions
>> > of coffee makers and pots, no different than you talking about
>> > your car in discussions of cars.
>> It is almost comical that someone would think mentioning the brand of
>> coffee maker(s) they have is bragging, except that it is sort of sad
>> they would think that way.
> One odd thing about the SF snark was that she says it was about product
> name
> dropping. The two products mentioned by brand were the least expensive; a
> $5 drip cone and a $20 French press. Hardly impressive brands or
> amounts.
> Besides, I don't recall her ever getting snippy about the periodic Kuerig
> mentions, most of which cost more than all my coffee makers combined.
> The four coffee makers I mentioned are all simple, non-electric models.
> They don't burn-out or otherwise fail. One was dropped and the glass
> insert
> broke a few years ago; easily replaced for $8. I have lived in the same
> home for 45 years; my accumulation of coffee makers reflects my changing
> needs over those years and the fact that simple devices last a long time.
> The vacuum pot I mentioned is the most expensive, costing about $70 circa
> 1978; I bought it because it was/is fun to watch brewing coffee and it
> brewed the amount I drank at the time. It now sees service when I want to
> brew 8 cups, a rare but occasional circumstance.
Some days are just like that, no accounting for the snark, it just happens.