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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default OT - sort of - Avoiding false grocery charges

On 8/8/2016 9:39 AM, KenK wrote:
> Doesn't happen often, but often enough to be annoying. Got home last
> Saturday after grocery shopping and found I didn't have ~$5 worth of stuff
> I was charged for. Possibly previous customer got the stuff, or perhaps I
> left it behind. Why can't these checkout people be more careful? Usually I
> check bag turntable to be sure I got everything. Can't recall if I did so
> this time. Checkout people should do that. Check stuff in bags against cash
> register list? Way too much trouble - and hard to do - for such an uncommon
> event.
> What to do? Live with it? Something else?

Ken, I don't know about your grocery store setup where you shop. The
ones I shop in have those little bars you put on the conveyor belt to
separate your purchases from the person in line ahead of you (and
behind) your items. Meanwhile, as items are scanned the bagger is
loading items into my shopping cart. I watch them scan and watch the
display (I pretty much know what I've bought and check whether or not
the price rings up correctly).

I truly cannot remember ever leaving the store without everything I
purchased. In your case, I'd have called the store when I got home when
you noticed you were overcharged or charged for items you did not
actually receive. They'll usually make good on things like that.
