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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 46,524
Default Really good shopping day!

The Franz bread store is having customer appreciation week. They were giving
out free large chocolate chip cookies and big loaves of white bread and we
also got a free backpack. And instead of the one free item of our choice, we
got three! I will be able to take quite a bit of things to my friends
tomorrow and I didn't even have to pay for them!

Then on to QFC where we managed to get quite a few reduced priced items. I
hardly ever manage to get reduced price meat. I rarely see any and it seems
that when I do, I either don't need it or it's something we won't eat. But I
got some today and it's good until the 11th. Angela also got a big carton of
spinach and some other things for smoothies. Oh! And I used my QFC coupons.
I don't even remember those coming in the mail. I found them in my purse. I
gave Angela the ones for the free ice cream. Two free pints! I had another
for $10 of a $50 order and $5 off of $10 worth of produce. So... I got food
for the week for very little money.