Thread: Tex Mex
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Tex Mex

"Cheri" wrote in message ...

> It's this one, very easy to use.
> Cheri
> -------------------------------
> Thanks very much! I'll have a look at that, it looks really useful!
> Certainly better than my sponge on a stick <g>

I had a lot of those too O, but I hated them because they just seemed to
move the dirt around, then the hands and knees thing for waxing years ago
(none of that now with the new floors) but I really like this for my use.
With just the two of us, not having to do it every other day.



I have been looking on line. There are a few out there and I have been be
taking note

It is difficult for me to kneel because I've had knee replacements in both,
but I have one of these:

... and I can manage to 'kneel' on my shins. It is tiring though and I
rarely do it because fortunately D does most of the floor stuff for me I
do use it in when I am working in the garden though. I can turn it upside
down when I get tired and just enjoy sitting on it <g>

I would still like one of those scrubbers though. )
