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Hot in the city? No.
In article >, gravesend10 says...
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2016 15:54:22 +1000, Bruce >
> wrote:
> >In article >, says...
> >>
> >> I don't throw in money to pay for someone who had an extra appetizer
> >> or a cup of soup. Separate checks or how to divide the bill is well
> >> established before walking into a restaurant.
> >
> >I only understand this kind of money pinching from people who are poor.
> >A cup of soup, give me a break.
> In my experience it's generally poor people who are generous and it's
> wealthy people who are misers/schnorers.
Schnorer is now my Yiddish word of the month. It almost sounds like what
it means.
> Even as a kid delivering
> newpapers, groceries, or whatever it was regular working people who
> were good tippers, wealthy people would stiff me. Wealthy people are
> used to having others do for them, hardworking people are much more in
> touch with values and tipped well. I don't eat out anymore but when
> I was still working and went out with friends we'd split the check
> down the middle, didn't matter who had what, with true friends over
> time it all evened out.
That's it. Schnorers waste half their life counting their pennies.
> Those who took advantage weren't friends very
> long. Where I worked the whole shop would plan a holiday dinner,
> usually at a local catering place, we'd all decide on menu options and
> the total cost would be split evenly among all who chose to attend and
> money collected in advance (which of course is indeed separate checks
> but without benefit of a CPA), everyone went up to the bar and bought
> their own drinks. I'd always decline going out with a group where
> everyone argued over who had what when the check arrived, the
> pettyness ruined the occasion... and I don't do separate checks
> either, because then the miserly ingrates argue with the server in
> front of the entire restaurant, which is very low class and
> embarrassing... been there, seen that, will never happen again, never
> separate checks. Anyone invites me to a group meal and says we're
> doing separate checks, see ya.
I agree.