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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default OT - sort of - Avoiding false grocery charges

On 8/10/2016 5:44 PM, wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2016 15:22:04 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>> On 8/9/2016 1:44 PM, KenK wrote:
>>> jmcquown > wrote in
>>> :
>>>> Ken, I don't know about your grocery store setup where you shop. The
>>>> ones I shop in have those little bars you put on the conveyor belt to
>>>> separate your purchases from the person in line ahead of you (and
>>>> behind) your items. Meanwhile, as items are scanned the bagger is
>>>> loading items into my shopping cart. I watch them scan and watch the
>>>> display (I pretty much know what I've bought and check whether or not
>>>> the price rings up correctly).
>>>> I truly cannot remember ever leaving the store without everything I
>>>> purchased. In your case, I'd have called the store when I got home
>>>> when you noticed you were overcharged or charged for items you did not
>>>> actually receive. They'll usually make good on things like that.
>>>> Jill
>>> This store doesn't use a bagger. Just a turntable holding empty bags, and
>>> full bags of your purchase. Sometimes the previous customer is still
>>> loading bags of stuff into their cart from the turntable even as cashier
>>> is filling new bags. A wonder that more stuff doesn't disappear.

>> Ohhhh, okay. I would NOT shop in a place that expects me to bag my own
>> groceries. They'd have to be really inexpensive and still offer very
>> high quality items to convince me. BUT... I'd still have called the
>> store the minute I noticed the discrepancy on the receipt vs. what you
>> brought home. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
>> Jill

> I prefer to do it all myself, I use the self checkout lane. It's
> easy, generally no waiting and I have got quite fast at it now, even
> remember the numbers for produce that I regularly buy, all good fodder
> for the brain.

I buy fresh vegetables at the farm stand. Even the farmer will put them
in a bag for me. At any rate, there aren't any self checkouts at
Publix, which is my grocery store of choice.
