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Default OT - sort of - Avoiding false grocery charges

On Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 7:02:07 PM UTC-5, Jeßus wrote:
> To the best of my recollection, we have never had 'baggers' in
> Australia, or at least not for the past 40 years anyway. Here, the
> checkout person also does the bagging. Why does there need to be a
> separate person to do that job anyway? It takes like a second for the
> checkout person to scan and then place the item in a bag... <shrug>

It will depend on how the store has their conveyor belt/
checkout set up. At my local Kroger groceries are put on
the belt, rung up and then proceed down another conveyor
belt to be bagged. The up to 15 items line the checker
does indeed bag your groceries, it's a completely different
set up.

Today I didn't have much at all and that's when I do my
own self checkout and bagging (I used THOSE BAGS that
simply won't work for you-know-who). I even caught an
overage and got a refund before leaving. One good thing
about the self checkout is you see when something is not
the correct price.