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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Default Pasta shapes with no machine?

On Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 10:09:49 PM UTC-4, Julie Bove wrote:
> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On 2016-08-10 1:41 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> >> On 8/9/2016 7:01 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> >>> Cutting a melon is nothing like that. My husband can eat melons faster
> >>> than I can cut them up and he has no patience whatever. For that reason,
> >>> I haven't bought any melons this season.
> >>
> >> Tell him to cut his own damn melons. Is he truly as helpless as you
> >> describe?
> >>

> > Maybe the questions is how slowly she cuts and how much he eats. I cannot
> > imagine someone being able to scarf down a piece of melon faster than it
> > takes to make a cut. Based on good she his at piling up the bullshit, I
> > would expect her to be fast enough with a knife.

> He has been known to eat two entire melons and rapidly. I could not cut them
> up quickly enough. He is trying to lose weight. Stuff like that won't help.
> He is of the mind that if something is good for you or low in calories, then
> you should eat a lot of it, provided that you like it. Just another reason I
> dislike bringing melons home. He seems to eat other fruits at a slower rate,
> but not always. I've had entire bags of cherries and grapes disappear before
> anyone else got a shot at them. And sometime between when she bought it and
> this morning, he ate an apple that Angela bought for herself. She didn't
> hide it because he said that kind of apples (red Delicious) were disgusting
> and he wouldn't touch them. This after those being the only kind of apple he
> would touch. I can't explain it but I know she won't be happy when she comes
> home. She only bought the one and took her time picking it out.

Honestly, I think Mr. and Mrs. Bove were made for each other. Perfectly
matched in every way.

Cindy Hamilton