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Default OT - sort of - Avoiding false grocery charges

On Thu, 11 Aug 2016 05:43:19 -0500, MaryL
> wrote:

>Jill was only talking about clerks that check groceries, then either the
>same clerk or a bagger puts items into bags. All the stores I am
>familiar with do that. It's no big deal, and she was trying to be
>helpful to Ken. Incidentally, I have now gotten to the place where I
>have severe back pain, so I now request someone to take groceries to the
>car for me. I never did that in the past, but it's good to have help
>available when it's needed.

Sorry to hear that and yes, my local place would do the same for me if
I needed the help but they don't do it routinely. There was a case
last winter where one of the lads who brings carts back into the store
from the coralls noticed an elderly woman who was having difficulty
getting across the icy sidewalks. He forgot about the carts and
walked her home, the manager said he was glad to know he had employees
like him who had hearts.