In article >,
> Are they also going to jail parents who have obese kids?
> N.
In UK, children whose lives and safety are at repeated risk from their
parents (for any reason) can can be taken into care for their own
protection. That includes, morbidly obese children whose parents have
ignored medical advice and support, and court orders to prot6ect the
child's interest.
"Up to 74 morbidly obese children are estimated to have been taken
into care over the last five years, according to figures obtained under
Freedom of Information laws."
" over the last three years, 183 children aged under 12 were found to
weigh more than 16 stone; the heaviest boy was 23st 2lb while the
heaviest girl was 22st 11lb......."
A spokeswoman for the Department for Education said: ?This is not an
issue about children who might be a few pounds overweight. This is about
protecting those facing significant and possibly even life-threatening
Janet UK