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Nancy Young[_8_] Nancy Young[_8_] is offline
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Default OT - sort of - Avoiding false grocery charges

On 8/10/2016 10:17 PM, Je�us wrote:

> Here they are all: groceries on conveyor - then rung up and
> immediately bagged (no further conveyor). They have a rotary style
> thingy that holds up to four shopping bags open for easy packing.
> From there the bags go back into your trolley and away you go.

That's exactly the setup my local store has now. The
cashier does the bagging while ringing up your stuff.
It's all one step now and I guess you could call them

It used to be they pushed the items along to then be
bagged, either by the customer, or they'd do it after
ringing up the order. Sometimes there was a bagger, but
usually not.

I always did my own bagging then, rather than stand there
like the Queen waiting for someone else to do it. It seems
to be a regional type thing, baggers aren't a given the way
it is elsewhere. I imagine a store would do well to bag groceries
in areas where it's customary.
