OT - sort of - Avoiding false grocery charges
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OT - sort of - Avoiding false grocery charges
On 8/11/2016 6:55 AM,
>>> Jill you are years younger than many here, why on earth do you want
>>> all this stuff done for you?
>> I don't *want* it done. I simply accept the stores employ people to
>> load bags at the checkout stand. Who am I to begrudge them getting paid
>> to do a job?
>> Jill
> But you started out the thread by saying something about you wouldn't
> shop any place where they didn't bag the groceries for you!
What's my age got to do with it? They do it for everyone. I certainly
*could* do it if none of the grocery stores had baggers, but they all
do. They always have, regardless of my age. When I was 22 I lived in
midtown Memphis. I used to *walk* to the small grocery store down the
block and walk back home carrying a couple of bags of groceries... which
they bagged for me. I've never encountered a grocery store where they
didn't have someone do this for their customers. <shrug>
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