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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default OT - sort of - Avoiding false grocery charges

On 8/11/2016 9:57 AM, wrote:
>>>>> Jill you are years younger than many here, why on earth do you want
>>>>> all this stuff done for you?
>>>> Grocery bagging is not considered an "everyday thing" here, it's the norm,
>>>> and age has nothing to do with it.
>>>> Cheri
>>> I think age has a lot to do with it. I can see an older person being
>>> relieved they were catered to but Jills at an age when she should be
>>> 'up and at 'em' IMO. The more you let other people pick up the slack
>>> for you, the more you will need it. You know, the old 'if you don't
>>> use it, you'll lose it' - it's very true.

>> So, bagging my own groceries is going to keep me young? I'll have to
>> remember that. I'll just shove the young man or woman at the end of
>> the checkout stand out of the way and tell them I have to bag my own
>> groceries because I want to stay young!
>> Jill

> A real Bove reaction!

What do you expect me to do? The grocery stores offer this as a service
to all customers. Young, old, it does not matter. They have baggers
who get paid to do a job. How is not allowing them to do it supposed to
keep me younger? They don't send someone home with me to unload the
bags from the trunk of my car. I do that all by myself, thank you.

BTW, I generally only make one large grocery trip per month. Lots of
bags. I have *not* encountered the issue Ken posted about, which was
being charged for items he didn't arrive home with. Could be because
the checker had moved on to the next person while he was trying to bag
his own. Someone got away with something, likely the person in front of
him who just scooped up some of *his* items when they were bagging theirs.

This is not a problem when there is someone (a PAID someone) is bagging
your purchases for you. I've also never seen a round turntable checkout
belt like he describes. I've got no idea where Ken lives but it's
simply not something I can relate to.
