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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default OT - sort of - Avoiding false grocery charges

On 8/11/2016 10:42 AM, Gary wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>>>> On 8/10/2016 8:54 PM, Cheri wrote:
>>> LOL, but I must say from everything I've heard from people that have
>>> been there, Beaufort is a beautiful city with modern conveniences like
>>> grocery baggers.
>>> Cheri

>> Beaufort *is* beautiful Picturesque, very historic. Yet it has all
>> the modern conveniences such as indoor plumbing and grocery stores that
>> employ people to bag groceries! Heck, they'll even take them to the car
>> for you if you want them to... and sometimes even if you don't want them
>> to.

> My store hired some young guy once that bagged and he tried to take my
> cart out to the car for me. I didn't want that. He tried to do this each
> time I went there. Annoying as hell. I had to argue back and forth
> before he left me alone. One or two more times and I was going to punch
> him in the face. Luckily he got fired. He was annoying many customers by
> being so pushy.

Would you really have punched him in the face? He probably just wanted
to take a walk outside. Taking the cart to the car is a way of breaking
the routine. I don't *need* them to do it. If there is a line behind
me I say, "No, thank you". I'm perfectly capable of loading groceries
in my car. I also *always* push the cart back to a cart corral rather
than leave it all willy-nilly in the parking lot. If there isn't a line
of people behind me I figure they just want to take a walk outdoors. I
don't have a problem with that.
