Thread: Tex Mex
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Nancy Young[_8_] Nancy Young[_8_] is offline
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Default Tex Mex

On 8/11/2016 9:13 PM, Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> In article >, Nancy Young
> > wrote:
>> That's funny! It makes sense in that the people driving a car with
>> emission problems is more likely to be the one who can't afford a
>> new car to get to work.

> In Nevada, we're encouraged to turn in vehicles that seem to be smoking
> from the exhaust, have a cracked windshield, etc.. Just call in the
> license plate number to the appropriate authority. I know a man that is
> proud to do that. Civic duty and all. His attitude smacks of Nazi and
> Communist philosophy to me, and I don't admire him for it.

That is not nice. It would be nice if he had something like
that come back to bite him on the butt. Karma being a bitch,
as they say.

> Let the state do its own damned enforcement without us ratting out
> strangers, friends and family over a vehicle violation.
> We are also one of the states that just made it a violation to sip
> coffee among many other things while driving. "1984" is coming true.

I don't know about where you live, but here, I'd be damned happy
if they'd enforce the no cell phone while driving law we already
have. I'm pretty sure people won't be pulled over for changing
the radio or sipping coffee.

People are already up in arms about the proposed law, I don't think
it'll pass, but we'll see. I think they're still red in the face
over the runny egg law that got them laughed at a while back.
