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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default OT - sort of - Avoiding false grocery charges

On 2016-08-10 8:01 PM, Je�us wrote:

> To the best of my recollection, we have never had 'baggers' in
> Australia, or at least not for the past 40 years anyway. Here, the
> checkout person also does the bagging. Why does there need to be a
> separate person to do that job anyway? It takes like a second for the
> checkout person to scan and then place the item in a bag... <shrug>

I was going to say that it might be a carry over from the old days when
cashiers had to key in the prices as displayed on price tags. Then I
thought about the number of grocery stores where I shop that have
baggers when things are busy. It is all about customer service. It may
take long for a cashier to bag the goods as she scans them, but time is
money, and the more time she spends scanning and not being distracted by
bagging, the more sales she rings up and the faster the customers are on
the way and another one ringing up sales.