Tex Mex
On Fri, 12 Aug 2016 11:25:12 +1000, Bruce >
>In article >,
>> In article >, Nancy Young
>> > wrote:
>> > That's funny! It makes sense in that the people driving a car with
>> > emission problems is more likely to be the one who can't afford a
>> > new car to get to work.
>> In Nevada, we're encouraged to turn in vehicles that seem to be smoking
>> from the exhaust, have a cracked windshield, etc.. Just call in the
>> license plate number to the appropriate authority. I know a man that is
>> proud to do that. Civic duty and all. His attitude smacks of Nazi and
>> Communist philosophy to me
>Just because you don't like communism, doesn't mean this has anything to
>do with communism.
Has not a whit to do with communism, instead it typifies a perfect
democracy, where the masses play a active part to insure that the
miscrants among us who are wreaking havoc upon the responsible
majority are made accountable. The creeps driving unsafe vehicals
present danger to everyone. It's rare those driving with baldy tires
and lousy brakes cause accidents where they suffer injury, instead
they harm innocents. Driving is not a right, it's a privilege that
must be earned... I don't care an iota what the creeps can't afford...