Tex Mex
In article >, gravesend10
@verizon.net says...
> On Fri, 12 Aug 2016 11:25:12 +1000, Bruce >
> wrote:
> >In article >,
> says...
> >>
> >> > That's funny! It makes sense in that the people driving a car
> >> > emission problems is more likely to be the one who can't afford a
> >> > new car to get to work.
> >>
> >> In Nevada, we're encouraged to turn in vehicles that seem to be smoking
> >> from the exhaust, have a cracked windshield, etc.. Just call in the
> >> license plate number to the appropriate authority. I know a man that is
> >> proud to do that. Civic duty and all. His attitude smacks of Nazi and
> >> Communist philosophy to me
> >
> >Just because you don't like communism, doesn't mean this has anything to
> >do with communism.
> Has not a whit to do with communism, instead it typifies a perfect
> democracy, where the masses play a active part to insure that the
> miscrants among us who are wreaking havoc upon the responsible
> majority are made accountable. The creeps driving unsafe vehicals
> present danger to everyone. It's rare those driving with baldy tires
> and lousy brakes cause accidents where they suffer injury, instead
> they harm innocents. Driving is not a right, it's a privilege that
> must be earned... I don't care an iota what the creeps can't afford...
Yes, but the examples LB gave ("smoking from the exhaust, have a cracked
windshield") aren't things that are likely to cause an accident. The
windshield maybe if you're very unlucky.