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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default OT - sort of - Avoiding false grocery charges

In article >, says...
> On 8/12/2016 6:48 PM, Bruce wrote:
> > In article >,
> >>
> >> On 8/12/2016 4:25 PM, Bruce wrote:
> >>> In article >,
> >>>>
> >>>> On 8/12/2016 2:16 PM, Je?us wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> I suppose so, in theory at least. The checkout system commonly seen
> >>>>> here is pretty efficient though, and even with a bagger doing the
> >>>>> bagging, I can't see them saving much time TBH. Maybe 20 seconds
> >>>>> difference on a full trolley? We (the customer) handle our own bags
> >>>>> once they are full and put them bag into the trolley or whatever.
> >>>>>
> >>>> Shortly after arriving in Perth, W.A., we shopped for a few things in a
> >>>> supermarket not far from the hotel. It was Saturday morning and we
> >>>> didn't know that all the shops closed at noon on Saturday (1971). We
> >>>> were in the checkout line when the noon hooter sounded. The person in
> >>>> front of us was a bit slow and the young woman cashier shouted: "Come
> >>>> on, I wanna be goin' 'ome!"
> >>>> In the 4 years we lived there, we always had to pack our own groceries.
> >>>> It was part of the traditional Aussie "Jack's as good as his master" I
> >>>> suppose.
> >>>> The first time we went to a s/m here in canada, it was very busy and I
> >>>> started to pack the groceries as usual and was stopped by the cashier
> >>>> who said that she would do it - all part of the service.
> >>>
> >>> Y'all make it sound as if 'packing your groceries' is a Herculean effort
> >>> that only the strongest among us can perform without needing medical
> >>> assistance.
> >>>
> >> Why don't you post something about what you have cooked or are cooking?
> >> Graham

> >
> > That would be a non sequitur, because y'all were talking about baggers.
> >

> I have never seen a post from you about your abilities as a cook.

That's because they aren't that great, which is why I mainly read when
the topic is cooking. Don't get me started about the role of the bagger
in the life of a biddy, however!