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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Proposed New Grocery Store

On 2016-08-13 10:17 AM, wrote:

> Phew! I didn't know that. The level is very low here and now in
> addition to roadside checks there are all sorts of PSAs urging people
> to phone in if they see a driver acting erratically - if they use
> their mobile it has to be a hands free, not legal any other way.

They get a little carried away with the arbitrary limits. Here in
Ontario they keep nailing people for driving over the .08 limit so they
brought in roadside 24 license suspensions for .05, though there is no
fine for that amount. We had a case a few years ago where a bunch of
young people sat around a bar drinking all afternoon, got shit faced
drunk and then drove off and got involved in a multi fatality crash.
The driver was well over the .08 limit, but the government brought in a
new law with zero tolerance for alcohol for drivers under the age of 22.

AFAIAC, drivers talking on cell phones and those who are texting are as
much a hazard to public safety as drunks, and I mean drunks, not those
who blow a little over the arbitrary limit.