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Nancy Young[_8_] Nancy Young[_8_] is offline
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Default Proposed New Grocery Store

On 8/13/2016 12:01 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Aug 2016 08:04:49 -0400, Nancy Young wrote:
>> Hands free phone is a joke, too, it's been proven many times,
>> they just can't enforce you to stop talking while you're driving.
>> The thing is, from my experience, people don't talk much on the
>> phone anymore, they text. They aren't doing that hands free from
>> what I can see.

> Here, the cops drive around in busses and tall trucks to catch people
> texting and talking on their phones.

Now that you mention it, more and more of our cop cars are
SUVs these days. Maybe that's why.

> And nowadays speech-to-text
> features of phones are fairly advanced allowing people to text and
> drive hands-free.
> People still love pressing buttons on their cell phones.

Yeah, they all have their phones in hand.

Have you noticed this phenomenon? Used to be people would see the
stop line and stop halfway across it. Now it's very common for
people to stop easily a car length away from it. I could pull in
front of them sometimes. Ditto stopping behind other cars at a

My theory is that people texting are so used to trying to keep a
cushion so they don't run into other cars, they don't even realize
they've stopped too soon. Looking at their phone.
