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Default Proposed New Grocery Store

On Sat, 13 Aug 2016 10:49:49 -0500, Sqwertz >

>On Sat, 13 Aug 2016 09:47:28 -0400, Nancy Young wrote:
>> What about Cananda? That's where lucretia lives. Just because some
>> country has draconian laws doesn't mean ours are bad.

>Canada is only slightly less lenient than the average U.S. State. But
>they have this funny law where they won't even let Americans cross the
>border if they have *any* sort of alcohol-related driving arrests -
>even if they're not driving or planning on driving. Same with Mexico.
>America has no such restrictions - we are much more friendly and
>inviting to our neighbors.
>[gratuitous and obligatory RFC-style foreigner-bashing comment]

I have to assume you know whereof you speak but far more Americans get
turned back at the border because of weapons.

Back in the day, 1955 I think, I was turned down for a US visa. This
was in Tokyo and my father called the ambassador to ask him why. After
investigating it he found that they didn't like the fact that in mock
general elections in an English boarding school I had stood as the
communist candidate lol I got my visa needless to add and spent a
very nice summer as a counsellor at a camp for kids in the Carmel