OT - sort of - Avoiding false grocery charges
On 8/13/2016 2:06 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> Jill clearly mentioned buying other items besides the eggplant.
> I'm sure had she refused the bag they would not have bagged.
I brought my own bag. The guy weighed the items I bought and put them
in the bag. Even if I hadn't, he had bags available. I really have NO
idea why the idea of items being put into bags is such a bone of contention.
Poor Ken, the entire point of his post was lost. He got home without
abut $5 worth of items because there wasn't anyone to help him put his
items in bags. And some sort of funky turntable checkout system (which,
BTW, was NOT an automated checkout). I suggested he call the store to
complain. That was his question. The post was not about bags.