Proposed New Grocery Store
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Proposed New Grocery Store
On 8/13/2016 6:05 PM, Je�us wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Aug 2016 11:32:39 -0300,
>> Are they trying to loosen you up so you spend more?
> It at least keeps people in the store longer, spending more.
> Some people would view it as a convenience, I see it more as training
> people to consume even more... even while they're already buying stuff
> to consume. I mean really, can't people shop without cramming
> something down their neck? Can't even burn off any calories from the
> minimal exercise they get from pushing a trolley
> Cup holders in trolleys is another example.
I've not seen cup holders in trolleys/shopping carts. I also don't eat
or drink anything when I'm shopping for food. I'm a believer in not
shopping for groceries when you're hungry. Have a bite to eat before
you leave the house. Cuts down on the impluse buying.
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