Proposed New Grocery Store
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Dave Smith[_1_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 35,884
Proposed New Grocery Store
On 2016-08-13 7:16 AM,
> I didn't think of that but yes, a spoiled kid once ran a cart into me
> and the crack on the ankle made my eyes water. My foot was bruised
> and swollen for about a week.
FWIW, my cart crashing incidents involved old ladies. Being bumped in
the back of the ankle once is bad enough, but when you get the same
person ramming you three times in less than a minute.... what gives with
> What really ****ed me off was the mother seemed to think I should have
> moved so her kid could continue!She had three there and shortly
> after that they ran into a pyramid display of maple syrup which came
> down.
My son told me about an incident he had in a No Frills store where a
nasty little mullet sporting welfare ape made like he was going to throw
something at him. My son just gave him a firm and disapproving stare.
Welfare cow mother caught the look and told the kid " Tell him back the
**** off" .
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Dave Smith[_1_]
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