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Default Proposed New Grocery Store

On Sat, 13 Aug 2016 18:05:29 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2016-08-13 3:45 PM, wrote:
>> Well IMO it's okay if the drunk driver dies but very often it's not. A
>> married in aunt had a sister who was coming home from a school concert
>> with her husband and two children. They were hit by an elderly male
>> driving drunk as a skunk. The husband and daughter died, she was left
>> to live with a son who was a veggie, it was all terribly sad. The
>> nasty old drunk barely had a scratch

>I don't have a problem with them throwing the book at people who drive
>drunk and crash, especially when there are fatalities. My issue is more
>about the treatment of people who simply blow a little over the limit.
>I am thinking of a case of an east coast driver who racked up about a
>dozen convictions for DUI, all for blowing over the limit, but who had
>not crashed, and they threw the book at him/ He got a couple years in
>prison. Around the same there was a local case of a young woman who was
>driving drunk, crashed her car and killed her best friend.
>She got a couple months of house arrest.
>I accept that the guy was a repeat offender who apparently didn't learn
>from his earlier convictions and the sentences he received, but I figure
>that the the most serious punishment should be applied in the worst case
>scenarios. He was sentenced to jail because his previous punishment
>didn't teach him about the possibility of being one of those worst case
>scenarios... like the crash she was involved in. She was in a single car
>accident and killed her friend, but she ended up with a much, much
>lighter sentence.

I would throw the book at both!